Rationality God and Beyond...
Life would have been so uncomplicated if we were rational. All the conflicts in the world would have never taken place, no fights, and no misunderstandings. As I see the picture of sectarian violence in Punjab for a reason which seems so trifling, I wonder why cant humans just sit around a table and have a discussion . When the human ego is hurt, reason and level-headedness seems to be thrown out of the window. The yearning for revenge takes over. I thought that even I was a very rational person but I soon found out that I did act irrationally .May be humans are designed in such a way. If all of us always trusted being logical no one would have fallen in love. According to me love is the most crazy thing to do. We tend to do things which some times can never be explained, like people giving up there lives for love.
As I grew up my relation with god grew weaker. One main reason was that the questions that I asked about religion were never answered .Questions like how the earth was created, who created man. Science seems to answer all my questions .I have recognized that people want to consider that there exist a power greater than them which can be in charge of thing around us. I consider myself a agnostic but deep within myself there exist a feeling that I wish there was God who I can count on when things take the turn for the worse.
If we do believe in god ,why cant we understand that all religions or religious sects are equal. I fail to understand the religious discrimination and stereotyping .I have heard people say a certain religion is dead set against Indians, that is so not true how can we classify people merely on there religion. I have heard stories how people are discriminated based on caste. Some of them actually rub the backs of new comers of an association to find out that if a thread is around him. People are judged by there caste but not on content of there character. In the recently concluded UP elections I heard a new term "social engineering" a way in which castes based politics is played out. People use religion to polarize section of society to win votes .When will people realize that development issues are much more important than caste.
People have to blend in religion and rationality, take the good from these and move forward in a progressive manner.