Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Great India Dream

Harilal was your local panwala ,who ran his little pan shop in Mumbai next to the Bombay stock exchange .Ten years back he was in deep financial troubles, he was hardly able to make ends meet .He decided to put his life's savings of Rupees 10,000 into the stock market ,against peoples advices .After ten years he was financially stable ,was able to purchase a bike married off his two sisters ,all because of the returns he got from his investments.His dream of leaving a comfortable life became true.His story is what I call the Great Indian dream.A dream where a vibrant India shares its success with the common man.Where economic growth is not for the classes but for the masses.Where the signs of poverty are never seen or felt.I have a dream...
Fifteen years back when India opened its economy to the world ,few would have imagined the impact it would have on the Indian economy.We have built a solid foundation for our economy, the future beckons.I hear a lot about "The Indian growth story",I hear foreign countries investing millions of dollars.Its left upon us on how we make best use of this opportunity.We have proved that we can ,companies like Infosys ,Wipro,TATA have proven that we are global players.If we have to become economic super power we need to build more industries ,the hunger for growth should never subside.We should break out from our shell ,come out from our comfort zone ,we have to be more
entrepreneurial.We need more Narayan Murthys and Dhirubhai Ambanis.We need people to build world class industries.We need to generate employment .We need to give people opportunity to participate and contribute toward this growth story
More than half of the population is working in the farm lands. For them to realize "The Great India Dream" we need to work with them.Help them by providing better technology ,better machinery.It is shocking to see one side of the country enjoying the fruits of economy while the other side not having one square meal .People are committing suicide shocking to say the least.To have vibrant economy we need to support agriculture in what ever way we can.
We need politicians to come together ,work in synergy.Leave there ideologies behind .We need the left and right to support issues which would help in the growth of this nation.We need political leaders who can think past "vote bank politics".

I have a dream.... "The Great India Dream"....