Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Lokpal - The Silver bullet ?

Wow ...our democracy is still alive .The supremacy of the people prevails. It’s really heartening to see the efforts of Anna Hazare and his team bearing fruit in such a short time. Galvanizing the entire country is no easy task, the last time I remember a similar atmosphere in the nation, was the 26/11 Mumbai attacks. The number of people who came and supported this bill from all walks of life is really great to see.

To expect this bill to get rid all evils is asking for too much .For rooting out corruption all together, change must happen from the grass root level. It’s time we caste our vote sensibly, the government we select will ultimately be the supreme power which should root out corruption. The bill should not create another power center which can be misused. The proposed bill makes the Lok pall the investigator, the prosecution and the executioner. While this is what everyone wants, but I have my doubts. Power ultimately corrupts an individual as we have seen with politicians. I am not an expert in law but I hope all this is taken care while drafting the bill. This brings me to the drafting committee. I have no problem with the government representatives they are elected members, but the selection of Civil society members remains questionable .A father son duo in the same panel, we have enough of dynastic politics being played out.

At the end of the day nothing in life is perfect, there is no perfect bill .I hope this movement against corruption sustains and we some change in the future.