The recent incidents in Mangalore, young girls being thrashed by goons for not following "Indian culture" has opened up the divide deeply rooted in Indian society. The talk about morality is just a smoke screen for actual issue that is gender inequality. For years Pubs and Bars have been a male bastion, till then there was no protest about this being against our culture. When women started visiting pubs and bars often with men, conservative India has disapproved this, revealing the gender inequality that exists. Women in urban India try to break out of the four walls and try to assert themselves where as conservative India desperately wants their girls to live within the well-defined wall of social norms
The other divide is the two India's we live in one which enjoys the fruit of economic liberalization, which has been a factor in allowing people to shed the conservatism. Now compare this to the people in the rural Indian who have been untouched by the economic growth and are clinging on to their conservatism. Politician are also cashing in on this divide. Instead of condemning these ghastly acts politicians are siding with the goons and talking about stopping the growth of "Pub Culture" and "Mall culture". Politicians are just trying to please their rural vote bank.
Times are changing and India is also transforming both economically and socially. The clash between the reactionaries and liberals will continue.
The way they hit gals were completely wrong. And i totally condemn it. But i feel that gals going to pubs is not right. Please do not talk about LIBERIZATION. Liberization does not mean gals can goto pubs.
Lets think liberiazation with a different perspective. Lets see liberization as a manner in which gals in our society come out of the glitches of the men. They should be educated and trained mentally and physically to be independent of men.
From the late 80s and the early 90s, women in india are getting more and more educated and trying to make a life of their own. Even in Many rural areas, women have joined hands together to form co-operative societies and make a living to ably support the family.
This Pub culture is the new face of the society that arose after the CALL CENTRES have become the taste the country where people earn a lot when the nation sleeps.
And when the whole country goes to work, these people chill themselves out which most of the times leads to obscenity.
And i feel it is not right to compare people who do not even form 1% of the total population and then generalize the same to the whole country.
I am not trying to generalize and talk about the whole country.My point is we live in a free country and individuals (male/female) have the freedom of choice.What your saying is "I am a guy and I can go to a pub get drunk and do whatever I want,but girls should not follow me ".Women don't come from a different planet! and I don't think they need to act like saints. If you say that going to a pub and getting drunk is morally wrong for both men and women then I can take your point of view.But having different set of rules is just not acceptable.
Further discussion we will take offline,in cafeteria :)
When i talked about the PUB culture, i meant both the genders alike. I never say gals should be like saints. But only coz gals are barred from entering pubs does not mean INDIA is still conservative and urban women are trying to break the shackles.Todays' urban women are not within the so called well defined social norms. They have gone places ahead and that's good for them and the country.
i feel this one incident is being over exagerrated and blown out of proportion for there are far more bigger problems engulfing our society.
the concept of further discussion in the cafeteria is interestin....unfortunately, i cannot be involvd in it... so here's my take on the whole thing....
i totally agree with joseph....
Im not someone who is a regular pub goer..infact i never go at all.. but that does not mean..women cant go...
we have reached a stage where we can decide our college, our profession, our partner, why not choose our own lifestyles...n its not just people working in call centres who r regular pub goers....
those hooligans said that we were like their elder brothers.. excuse me??!!!
there's this way or that!!! no middle way... if women are given education..i guess they also develop a thinkin mind of their own!!!
lol a lot of conflicting thoughts here i must say. someone said pub culture is against social norms.(read gals going to pubs is not right) yes in india it is. so my question is who defines social norms.??? in rural india the social norm is to get a mature girl( read anywhere between age of 7-15) married. reason being if shes not married early she may cause shame to the family.(read she might end up wid anybodys baby), i dont have to explain sati. since time immemorial women in this country have been told what to do, how to do, oh n sometimes they are guided, in the said case these bastards acted instead of "brothers". i'm sorry for my use of language. but i fail to find a better word.and what with disciplining, women r women or dogs.....?! "women liberation "is over rated agreed. period! but wat about freedom to choose. as an indian isnt it a birth right?! wen i talk about it i dont mean women excelling at work or a goon and bashing all the boys becoming a pilot or reaching the moon. all i said is she shud have a choice. if she wants to dress like madonna or like sakkubai. its her choice. this incident reminds all the women that u better do wat the men expect from you, cause they are above than you, and can very well hit the day lights outtaa you. so obey, surrender, sacrifice( bullshit)....for your own good...for the good of your family...for the good of your culture....for the good of ur country...last but not the least for the good of your civilazation....(leaves disgusted) n yea its really ok if a man hits a women he means no harm only good for her....
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